Harvest Season

harvest-seasonWhen a travel writer retreats to an idyllic valley in the mountains of Southwest China where the weed grows wild on the mountain slopes, he finds his vision of paradise pitted against a new breed of travelers who want to bring the party to town. The scene is set for a clash that will change the valley forever.

Praise for Harvest Season:
"A great character study as well as being timely and political, this explains in detail ... the urban topic of "gentrification" and applying it on a truly global scale." –Chicago Center for Literature and Photography
"...single sentences in limpid simplicity become illustrative of individual character, to make the people on the pages archetypes of people we know in life." – Bangkok Post
"...reads like a fun beach novel, but raises larger issues that provide food for thought long after the last page is turned." – Beijing City Weekend
One of Lonely Planet founder Tony Wheeler's Top 10 picks for 2010



